On Monday I made about 4 or 5 projects on the wheel. I was gone the rest of the week as a camp councilor for the 5th graders. Hopefully my friends were able to foot my projects so I can fire them on Tuesday when I get back to school.
This week I was gone Monday as I was sick. I glazed my wheel altered project on Tuesday. I took my AP US test on Wednesday so I was not in class. Thursdays was a complete failure to try and make the base for my duel wheel project thingy. Hopefully tomorrow, Friday, will be productive..
I made a lidded project this week for my momma. It has a little extra put into it for the special occasion. I also made a nice pitcher. They should both be done by Monday. I am chilling with Kylie and Quinn.
This week I threw a liddled project and I threw a pitcher. I couldn't make a handle because the pitcher was a little dry but ill do it next week. This week was quite productive.